


A HEALING READING at my studio

90 minutes/$250 Please refer to the BOOK NOW tab to schedule.

NEW LOCATION! Join me at my new studio located in Exton, PA.

I will start each reading by lighting White Sage, to honor my Spirit Guides and bring in positivity. Then, I will say a quiet blessing with Sacred Feathers gifted to me by a Hopi Medicine Man. 

We will then proceed to connecting with my Spirit Guides, your Guides, and possibly your Loved Ones. My Guides will focus on what you need to hear at this moment, and take you on a journey of understanding and clarity in order for you to live your life carrying less weight and living more joyously. My messages, through Spirit, will give a fresh perspective to your current state and direction so you can heal your body, mind, and spirit. The shared wisdom, warmth, compassion and explanation of the "other side", and your path in this lifetime, will bring you a sense of calm understanding and hope. 

Please come with your questions and concerns. My readings are an interactive discussion so you are clear on your path and gives you the tools to navigate what can sometimes be this challengingly beautiful experience I call "earthwalk".  

Your reading will come "full circle" and will give you a sense of peace. My messages are known to bring clarity and ease suffering.

I’m located about 60 minutes outside of Philadelphia, PA. You will receive specific instructions and directions once you have booked your appointment. 


InDividual Reading Via zoom

60 minutes/$150 Please refer to the BOOK NOW tab to schedule.

We will connect for a reading, as described above via Zoom.  I gently suggest you find in  a quiet space for this reading so my Spirit Guides will be able to focus on you. Having another person present might bring in their energy and distract from the reading. Allow yourself, if possible,  15 minutes of solitude prior to your reading. I will start explaining the process, then continue with lighting Sage while giving a blessing and bringing in protection, then your reading will proceed as described above.  (Please note that appointment times listed are EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Please plan accordingly.)


120 minutes/$400 ( 4 PERSON MAX)(Please reach out to me via the “CONTACT” tab to schedule)

Held at my NEW LOCATION in Exton, PA! There will be an additional charge of $50 per person when there will be more than 4 people attending.

A quick cleanse at my studio!


15 minutes/$25

Swing by, “wash off “, and reboot your week with smudging/cleansing.

As you stand, I will light sage, walk around you, and gently blow the smoke toward you with my feathers. This will clear any negativity that surrounds you or is attached to you. It brings in positivity, and “washes off” any stress of your week. I additionally will have smudge kits available for purchase in my studio. This process will give you the ability to cleanse yourself regularly if desired. For those sensitive to smoke, I will offer this process with a liquid sage spray which will also be available to purchase. An incredible item to keep on you or take on your travels.

Limited times offered. Please refer to the BOOK NOW tab to schedule.


60 minutes/$150 (Please reach out to me via the “CONTACT” tab to schedule)

After helping out multiple people in clearing their homes from a distance, and with huge success by doing so, I have decided to offer this to everyone. I have the ability to cleanse/clear your home from a distance and cannot express enough the importance of doing so. Wether you feel you need a fresh start, have moved into a new home, have had a chaotic month, feel strange happenings in your home (or things much darker)….rest assured, I have the ability to clear this and feel it so crucial that your home is your peaceful sanctuary.When negativity is around, or stagnant energy, health issues can start to occur. During this process I will give you a clear picture of what is happening in your home, what steps need to happen to clear it, and educate you so you are able to maintain your space on your own. All of this will take place during our 60 minute session. And usually, from my previous experiences, I only need to do this once. That is my goal. This will take place via Zoom. I may request photos prior to your appointment if you have an area of deep concern so I can get a good “read” on what is taking place. Please refer to “Home Smudging/Clearing” for a more in depth description.With much respect, I realize this is YOUR home and family. Please do not hesitate to contact me (at the CONTACT tab on the top of this page) with any questions about the process.


Available to book for current clients ONLY when referred by me.

WOPILA: An expression of gratitude: out of all you’ve been given and all that is, you in turn give back to others.

Please refer to the BOOK NOW tab to schedule.

Home Smudging/cleansing

120 minutes/$350 (Please reach out to me via the “CONTACT” tab to schedule)

If you're feeling stuck, negative, sluggish or even depressed, it may be due to some stagnant energy around you. Your energy can include your emotional, energetic, mental, spiritual, or physical body. Stagnant or negative energy can have extremely detrimental effects on your mental and physical state and is even believed to manifest into things like a lack of happiness and success as well as pain and disease. Smudging can help combat this negativity, clear it away from you, and help you start anew. Smudging is an ancient Native Ceremony in which I burn Sacred White Sage (representing Fire and Earth), use an Abalone Shell to catch the ashes (representing Water), and fan smoke with my Sacred Feathers (representing Air).  I will then explain ways for you to perform this Ceremony yourself, and other tools that you can use to protect yourself and to clear negativity on your own. My guidance will give you a sense of peace and bring clarity on how to handle negative energy  that is invisible to most but felt by many. 

Smudging a home is important to do on a regular basis. I have been consulted and have smudged homes and businesses due to negative activity happening, a daily sense of chaos or uneasiness, to clear the energy before new homeowners move in so they are not taking on the energy of the past residents, or simply to keep the energy clear and bring in positivity. Additionally, many homes have spirits that need to move on. I smudge my own home no less than once a month knowing that  people who visit can leave their energy in my space. It's important that your home is YOUR safe-haven, YOUR peaceful sanctuary, and YOUR sacred space. 

With a Home Smudging/Clearing, I will come to your home and do a quick walk thru with you. I’ll let you know any  impressions I receive from my Spirit Guides and will describe in detail what I "see". Then I will clear anything that might be negative (energy or negative spirit) and will teach you how to smudge and keep your home energy positive and clear. My goal is to ease your mind, answer your questions, and leave you with a peaceful space. 

*It needs to be stated, but not to be alarming, that children are able to see spirits very clearly up until about the age of 5 because they are so new to this Earth. I have been consulted many times because of this, and am passionate about resolving these situations immediately. If you feel your child is being "bothered" by a spirit....please contact me via email before scheduling your Home Smudging/Clearing. I’ll make sure you are scheduled ASAP.

**Due to client demand, I now have Smudge Kits and Sage available for purchase. Please refer to the PRODUCTS tab at the top of the website.


GUIDED CEREMONY For Physical Healing

90 minutes/$325 for your first session. Pricing for follow up sessions will be discussed. I make this affordable during such a stressful time and am here to help. My Spirit Guides bring me what is needed on an individual basis in order to heal .Each person/process is different.

A “HEALING READING AT MY STUDIO” is required before booking this appointment. It gives a clear picture of what needs to be cleansed in order to proceed. Please refer to the BOOK NOW tab to schedule.

Guided ceremony is used in Native Medicine to help heal Ancestral Trauma, bring your spirit back to center, to call in indigenous medicine to put you on the path to healing from physical ailments. This occurs with you lying on a table while I fill the room with drumming, burning of sacred herbs, and call in my Spirit Guides to help heal you. After 50 minutes, there will be a peaceful moment for you to write down anything that came to you during the session and I will share my impressions as well. If you are feeling weak physically, I require you to bring someone with you for support while here and with your drive home.